ILT Leader's Guide Sample


Audience: L&D Instructors
In the case of Instructor-Led Training (ILT), it is important to me as an Instructional Designer to map out every aspect and every detail of the training experience to ensure the following when training is being delivered:
  • Consistency in delivery: All aspects of the training are covered- there are no "hidden/unwritten" details and any instructor can pick up the leader's guide and facilitate the class
  • Understanding how to modify the training for in-person classes as opposed to virtual training (ex. Zoom and another virtual platform)
The initial need to make adjustments in this matter first came during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since it potentially would change our training from in-person to online or even a hybrid type of training, a modular approach was taken to design the leader's guide so topics were presented in a clear logical order, but flexibility existed if topics had to be moved for any reason on a day-to-day basis based on the leader's guide.

To see a sample leader's guide, click here.